Professional > Data management scripting > Getting started with Data Management scripting > 10. Where do I go from here?
10. Where do I go from here?
If you have followed the steps in this Getting Started guide, you should now have an idea of what you can achieve using a DMS file. You may also be aware of how much there is still to learn.
You may want to sit down now and read through the Data Management Scripting section of the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library. However, this approach may not suit everyone, and you may prefer to wait until you have a specific problem you want to solve. However, if you do decide to wait before reading much more, it is still a good idea to browse through the contents of the Data Management Scripting section, so that you have an idea of the material that it covers.
Data Management reference provides detailed documentation of all of the properties and methods of all of the Data Management Object Model (DMOM) and Weight Component objects. However, you are not restricted to using these objects in your Event section code. You can use any objects that are registered on your computer, including the objects that are part of the various UNICOM Intelligence Data Model components.
You may therefore want to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the structure of the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library, particularly:
UNICOM Intelligence Scripting: This provides detailed documentation of mrScriptBasic, mrScriptMetadata, and the UNICOM Intelligence Function Library.
UNICOM Intelligence Data Model reference. This provides detailed documentation of the main object models that are part of the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model, including the MDM and Metadata Model to Quantum Component object model documentation, which you may want to use in your Event section code.
See also
Getting started with Data Management scripting