Professional > Data management scripting > Understanding the process flow
Understanding the process flow
This section illustrates various aspects of DMS file processing:
DMS file flow: What happens when you run a standard DMS file.
DMS file flow when you use the UseInputAsOutput option: What happens when you run a DMS file that uses the UseInputAsOutput option.
DMS file flow in a case data only transformation: What happens when you run a DMS file that operates on case data only, either because you have not specified an input metadata source or because you are using a provider that is not part of the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model to read the data.
DMS file flow when operating on metadata only: What happens when you run a DMS file that operates on metadata only.
Example timeline: A timeline of the processing of a hypothetical DMS file.
See also
DMS file flow
DMS file flow when you use the UseInputAsOutput option
DMS file flow in a case data only transformation
DMS file flow when operating on metadata only
Example timeline
Data management scripting