Data Merge
UNICOM Intelligence Data Merge
Use the UNICOM Intelligence Data Merge tool to merge data or variables from your survey data files into a single file, which you can then open in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter.
You can carry out the following types of merge using the UNICOM Intelligence Data Merge tool:
merge cases from multiple survey data files
merge variables from one other source file with a survey data file. The other source file can also be a file containing survey data, or it can be another type of file, for example a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
The data merge always creates a new file to contain the merged data and does not overwrite your existing data source files.
Note The UNICOM Intelligence Data Merge tool is not available with the browser-based UNICOM Intelligence Reporter.
Merging cases from multiple survey data files
This type of merge is useful when you have a number of files containing results for the same survey and you want to analyze all the data together. For example, you can use it to:
merge files containing data for respondents in different areas or from different countries
merge files containing data for the same respondents in different time periods.
Merging variables from a survey data file or other source file
This type of merge is useful when you want to attach some additional information to the respondent data in an existing survey. For example, if you have a survey that includes respondent job titles, you may want to add some data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains information on average salary by job title. The resulting file contains all the information from the original survey, as well as a new variable containing the average salary figures. You can then include the job title variable in your analysis in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter in the same way as for the existing variables.
This method of merging requires you to specify a variable from each of the source files that you are merging, to provide a unique identifier for the records being merged. That is, it uniquely identifies the variable that is common to the two data sets. Records (cases) are merged only when the value in the two identifier variables is the same.
See also
Creating a merged data file using UNICOM Intelligence Data Merge
UNICOM Intelligence Data Merge panes