Paper > Formatting questionnaires with Looks > Types of Looks and questionnaire items
Types of Looks and questionnaire items
Questionnaires can contain several different types of questions and information items. Generally, the different types of questions need to be displayed in different ways. Therefore, there are different types of Looks for the different types of items in the questionnaire.
You define a questionnaire item’s type in the authoring tools. The authoring tools have additional questionnaire item types for use in other interviewing environments, such as telephone interviewing or web interviewing. If you load a questionnaire definition that includes any of these additional types, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper substitutes the closest type recognized in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper.
Supported questionnaire items
Categorical questions
Questions that have a predefined list of responses or categories. Categorical questions can be single response or multiple response.
See Categorical Looks.
Boolean questions
Questions that require a "true" or "false" response. Boolean questions are processed same as categorical questions, with two fixed categories: category one means "true", while category two means "false". Boolean questions are only available for draft documents.
Numeric questions
Questions that require a numeric response. Numeric questions can be integer or real. An integer question must be answered with a whole number, whereas a real question can be answered with a decimal number.
See Numeric Looks.
Open-ended questions (text questions)
Questions that ask respondents to answer in their own words.
See Open-ended Looks.
Grid questions
Special questions that tie together several subquestions that share a question text. Grid questions in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper can be:
Categorical Grid questions. Questions that share a question text and a category list for the responses. These questions often ask respondents to choose a rating on a predefined scale for a number of products in a list.
See Grid Looks.
Numeric Grid questions. Questions that share a question text and require numeric responses.
See Numeric grid Looks.
Compound questions
Contain a number of related but separate questions that are presented as a group using a shared list. The compound question can mix questions of different types (for example, a grid question and a categorical question). Note that UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper supports only categorical, numeric, or grid questions in a compound question.
See Compound Looks.
Information items
Items that do not ask for a response, such as general instructions, greetings, closing statements, and section headings.
See Information Looks.
Unsupported questionnaire items
Open-ended (text) questions inside grids or compound questions.
See also
Show card Looks
Draft Looks
What are Looks?
How do Looks work?
Installed Look groups
Understanding Looks
Mark fields and character fields
Formatting questionnaires with Looks