Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Repeated questions
Repeated questions
Repeated questions occur when you need to ask the same question or set of questions more than once. Usually the question text varies slightly for each repetition so that, for instance, each repetition refers to a different brand or product.
You can present repeated questions in two ways: as a grid or as a loop. With a grid, all the repetitions are displayed in a table on a single page, with the questions forming one dimension of the table (usually the columns) and the answers to the questions forming the other dimension. The loop method displays each repetition on a separate page as if you had defined each repetition as a separate question. Often the choice of presentation method will be entirely up to you, but you may find that in some instances one method works better than the other.
This section introduces the following keywords for the metadata section of the interview script:
Use the questions as the columns of the grid.
Save data in flat (non-hierarchical) format.
Introduce the questions to be repeated.
Display the question as a grid when the question is tabulated using an analysis product such as UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation, or when the interview script is printed using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper. No effect in browser based interviews.
Mark a set of repeated questions and define the number of repetitions required (including unbounded loops).
Use the questions as the rows of the grid.
How loops and grids work
Categorical loops
Numeric loops
Ask repeated questions either as a set of repetitions or as a grid: see Asking repeated questions
Add and remove iterations: see Unbounded loops
Changing the order of loop control list items
Initial and default cell values
Three-dimensional grids
Splitting large grids over several pages
Categorical loops based on answers to previous questions
Create numeric loops based on answers to a previous question with no maximum value: see Numeric loops
Nested loops: see Loops inside loops
Controlling how case data is written
Printing and tabulating repeating questions as grids (using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper).
See also
Writing interview scripts