Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Events
Events are predefined objects that you can use for specifying actions that are to take place at certain points in an interview. You can define events for any of the following:
Start of interview
Actions to be carried out when an interview starts or restarts; for example, creating global objects that can be used during the interview, like ADO record sets or ODBC connections. For more information, see OnInterviewStart Event.
End of interview
Actions to be carried out when an interview stops, times out or completes. These are typically actions to clean up objects created at the start of the interview, or to generate question and response summaries. See OnInterviewEnd event for more information.
Before asking a question
Actions to be executed before a question is asked; for example, setting additional question properties. See OnBeforeQuestionAsk event for more information.
After asking a question
Actions to be executed after a question has been asked, answered, and validated using the standard validation procedure. See OnAfterQuestionAsk event for more information.
Before response validation occurs
Actions to be executed after the respondent submits an answer but before any validation is run, including the standard validation. See OnBeforeQuestionValidation event for more information.
When an error occurs
Actions to be carried out when an interview terminates abnormally. See OnInterviewError event for more information.
All events run automatically at the appropriate times but do nothing unless you define actions for them.
This section also looks at objects within interviews (see Objects) and discusses both objects and events in relation to the interview life-cycle and the starting, stopping, and restarting of interviews (see Events and the interview lifecycle).
See also
Events and the interview lifecycle
OnInterviewStart Event
OnInterviewEnd event
OnBeforeQuestionAsk event
OnAfterQuestionAsk event
OnBeforeQuestionValidation event
OnInterviewError event
Using events to save interview paradata
Using tables to simplify alignment specifications