Professional > Interview scripting > Sample management > Sample management facilities > History table > Tracking sample field changes
Tracking sample field changes
HistoryTable stores the sample field value as defined when the record is returned. This means that the old value is not recorded if the field changed before the sample record was returned.
If you want to track the field’s value before and a change, an additional sample field is required in the main table. The additional sample field stores the previous value and tracks both the current and previous fields in the history.
When old telephone numbers need to be recorded:
1 Define a field to store the old phone number value (for example, _phoneNumber). For more information, see Adding other information to the sample table.
2 Add the field to the history reports fields in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Interviewing Options activity to ensure that the field's value will be written to the history records. For more information, see Configuring history reports.
3 Modify the Sample Management script to set the value of the _phoneNumber field to the PhoneNumber field’s value in the GetSampleRec() method. For more information, see Changing the sample script.
See also
History table