Interview Scripting reference
This section provides reference information about the following:
▪Question limits: Lists the minimum and maximum values for the question types you can define in an interview script.
▪Default templates: Describes the default templates that will be used for displaying interview pages when no project-specific templates have been named.
▪Template XML schema: Describes the XML code that is substituted for tags used in interview scripting templates.
▪Interview Object model: Describes a component that performs various tidying and conversion tasks required for creating an
.ivs file out of a questionnaire document.
▪Sample Management Object model: Describes the objects, methods, and properties of the interview object model. Many of the topics in this section are the technical equivalents of topics in the other sections of the interview scripting documentation.
▪Sample Management Object model: The sample management component manages the sample records for the participants in a survey. This section describes the sample management objects, methods, and properties that you can use when writing sample management scripts.
▪Quota Object model: You can define a customized quota control system in the Sample Management script. This section describes the quota objects and their properties and methods.
▪Interview Database Binder object model: Provides support for unbounded loops and access to unexpanded arrays by exposing the
IInterviewDatabaseBinder interface; this component is available for both VDATA and HDATA identifiers.
See also