Interviewer > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer > Interviewer Console window > Interviewer Console toolbar and menu options > Toolbar icons
Toolbar icons
Project List
Opens the Project List window. For more information, see Project List.
Shortcut: Alt+P
New Case
Creates a new case in the Case List and launches the appropriate player to begin case entry. This option is only available in Initial Entry mode, for a data entry project, or in Live Interviewing mode. For more information, see Creating a new case.
Shortcut: Alt+N
Verify Case
Launches Data Entry Player to key the verification pass for a selected case. This option is only available in Partial or Full Verification mode. For more information, see Starting case verification.
Shortcut: Alt+L
Continue Case or Start Case
Launches the appropriate player to continue keying a suspended case, or to edit a completed case’s data. For more information, see Reopening a case for data entry. Start Case displays for unused participant record.
Shortcut: Alt+O
Entry Mode
The drop-down menu displays the current entry mode. From the menu, you can select different modes. For more information, see Selecting the entry mode.
Shortcut: Alt+E
The menu displays the current active batch and all other batches that you have loaded for the active project. From the menu, you can switch to a different batch. For more information, see Changing the active batch.
Shortcut: Alt+B
See also
Menu options
Interviewer Console toolbar and menu options