Interviewer > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer > Interviewer Console window > Modifying a case’s entry status
Modifying a case’s entry status
Suspended Entry status
In UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer, a case can have a status of “Suspended” by:
Creating a new case: In Live Interviewing mode or in Initial Entry mode for a Data Entry project.
Creating a new case: For Initial Entry.
Reopening a case for data entry: To continue entry or edit previous entries (any mode).
Starting case verification: In Partial or Full Verification mode for a Data Entry project.
Suspending case entry: Exiting from the Data Entry Player before a case is completed.
In UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer, “suspended” means that a case is in-progress and therefore not yet completed in a specific entry mode.
Completed Entry status
Note A case’s entry status can only be modified to “Completed” for a Data Entry project, or in the Data Entry portion of a multi-modal project.
To change the case status to “Completed” , do one of these:
complete case entry in Data Entry Player (all available interview questions are keyed)
change the entry status for a case that is currently suspended.
“Completed” means that a case has all available (on-path) variables keyed in a specific entry mode.
Changing the entry status for a suspended case
A case, that is suspended in a specific data entry mode, can have its status modified to be completed without having to key any additional variables in the Data Entry Player.
A situation where this feature is useful is when an interview respondent answers a very low volume of questions (the respondent does not complete the survey) but still needs to be included among the raw data and/or project ending sample. Instead of requiring you to key a potentially high volume of unanswered variables in Data Entry Player, you can key only the variables that have responses present and exit the survey when finished.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer considers the survey incomplete for keying, and therefore the entry status is initially labeled as “Suspended”. You can change the entry status to “Completed”, allowing the case to be deployed to another operator or included in the data file for analysis. This feature is intended to help you save time and costs.
To change a suspended case’s status to “Completed” in Interviewer Console
1 Highlight the appropriate case in the Case List.
2 Point to Select Case Status on the Case menu, or press Alt+C, T, and then click the available (bolded) option in the Select Case Status submenu.
The Case List updates to display the case’s entry status as “Completed” for the active entry mode.
Note You can only change status to “Completed” for the active mode, and only when the selected case has a current status of “Suspended”. For example, a case with a status of “Initial Entry Suspended” can only be changed to “Initial Entry Completed”; it cannot be changed to “Partial Verification Completed” or “Full Verification Completed”.
See also
Changing projects in Interviewer Console
Changing operators in Interviewer Console
Creating a new case
Importing case data
Reopening a case for data entry
Starting case verification
Creating a data package for deployment
Creating a data file for analysis
Deleting a case
Interviewer Console window