Professional > Local Deployment wizard > Usage options > Routing options - data entry
Routing options - data entry
The data entry routing options step allows you specify the routing used for data entry. This step is only available when you select Data entry in the Usage options step.
Select the appropriate routing context for each data entry option:
Initial data entry
The menu provides all available routings.
Full validation
The menu provides all available routings. This option is only available when you select Full validation in the Verification options step (see Verification options).
Partial validation
The menu provides all available routings. This option is only available when you select Partial validation in the Verification options step (see Verification options).
Partial validation is not available for surveys that contain only one routing.
You will receive an error when the same routing is selected for Partial validation and Initial data entry or Full validation.
The Initial data entry and Full validation (if applicable) routing options are automatically selected when the survey contains only one routing context.
After selecting the appropriate routing options, click Next to continue to Display options.
See also
Local Deployment wizard