Save Look: General Information
The General Information page sets the name, type, Look group, and description for the Look. The Advanced button is available to set the category replication and category list distribution when you save categorical, grid, and numeric grid Looks.
Sets the name of the Look. Look names can contain up to 255 characters, including spaces, but not the \ / : * ? " < > | characters.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper attempts to identify the Look type from the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper character styles used in the Look. Check that the type is correct. Sometimes you may need to change it, particularly for numeric and open-ended Looks, which have similar character styles. If UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper does not identify the type correctly for other Look types, you may have used inappropriate character styles in the Look. Take a close look at the display on the right side of the wizard. If there are any texts or symbols that are not identified by a color, it means that no character style has been applied or that UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper has not recognized the character style applied.
Sets the Look group in which to save the Look. You can select any available Look group, or you can create a new Look group by entering a new name. Look group names can contain up to 255 characters, including spaces, but not the \ / : * ? " < > | characters.
Sets the LookTip that is displayed when you point at the Look in a dialog box.
Update document
Updates all of the questionnaire items to which this Look is applied with the changes you have made.
Apply Look to items using the original Look
Select when you are saving a Look with a new name if you want UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper to apply this Look to questions that are currently formatted with the Look on which this new one is based.
Set the category distribution and category replication for categorical, grid, and numeric grid questions.
Look analysis
Displays an analysis of the Look. It shows the texts in the Look in different colors to aid in identifying errors in the design of the Look. The colors have no effect on the Look itself. Four different colors are used.
▪Question style. Character styles that are not conditional and that relate to the question rather than the answers. These include placeholders in mr Question Name character style to display the name of the question and placeholders in mr Instruction character style to display instructions to the interviewer or respondent.
▪Conditional question style. Conditional styles that relate to the question rather than the answers. These include placeholders in conditional substitution character styles and text and symbols in conditional display character styles; for example, text in the mr Is Multiple conditional display character style to instruct respondents to select as many boxes as apply.
▪Category style. Character styles that are not conditional and that relate to the answers to the question; for example, styles that insert category texts or that identify mark fields.
▪Conditional category style. Conditional styles that relate to the answers to the question. These include placeholders in conditional substitution character styles, text and symbols in conditional display character styles, and placeholders in conditional insertion character styles; for example, placeholders in the mr Go To Short Name character style to identify the short name of the next question for categories that have Go To information recorded.
You can save the Look directly from this page by clicking Finish or you can test the new Look by clicking Next.
See also