Reporter > Changing cell contents
Changing cell contents
When you build a table, generally the main information that you are trying to convey is the figures in the cells. The figures in the cells are called the cell contents. The following table provides a summary of the different types of cell contents. For a full list of the types of cell contents available, see Table properties: Cell Contents.
These show the number of cases that satisfy the row and column conditions for each cell. If the table is weighted, the counts are the weighted counts.
In a weighted table, these are the unweighted counts. In an unweighted table, the counts and the unweighted counts are identical.
These express the count or sum of a numeric variable as a percentage of the base for the column, row, or table. Expressing figures as percentages can make it easier to interpret and compare the data in a table. You can optionally choose to express row and column percentages as cumulative percentages.
These are calculated for each cell by dividing the row percentage in the cell by the row percentage for the same column in the base row. Indices show how closely row percentages in a row reflect the row percentages in the base row. The nearer a row's indices are to 100%, the more closely that row mirrors the base row.
You can show a summary statistic of a numeric variable for the cases in each cell. For example, in a table of age by gender, you can use the visits numeric variable to show the sum of the number of previous visits made to the museum by the respondents in each cell. Alternatively you can show the mean number of previous visits made by the respondents in each cell. Other options include the minimum value, maximum value, range, mode, median, percentile, standard deviation, standard error, and variance.
These show the count or sum of a numeric variable that would be expected in the cell if the row and column variables are statistically independent or unrelated to each other.
These show the difference between the count or sum of a numeric variable and the expected values. Large absolute values for the residuals indicate that the observed values are very different from the predicted values.
You can specify the number of decimal places with which you want the cell contents to be shown.
See also
Adding and removing cell contents
Counts and unweighted counts
Summary statistics of numeric variables
Expected values and residuals