UNICOM Intelligence Reporter
This User Guide shows you how to use UNICOM Intelligence Reporter.
Summary of new features
Introduction to using UNICOM Intelligence Reporter to access survey data and how to create, display, format, and export results
Navigating the UNICOM Intelligence Reporter window, and using some of its features
Creating and editing tables
The cell contents that you can include in tables
Filtering the data in tables
The types of variable that you can include in tables, and information on how to add variables to tables, edit existing variables, and create new ones
How the values in base rows and columns are calculated, and how to work with bases
Adding statistical tests to tables
Adding weighting to tables
Hierarchical data and how UNICOM Intelligence Reporter handles it
Working with versioned data
Creating profiles
Changing how tables are displayed, including sorting tables, adding headers and footers, and displaying data in chart format
Printing results, and exporting them to other file formats, including Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.
Configuring UNICOM Intelligence Reporter to your requirements
Reference information about UNICOM Intelligence Reporter
How to overcome problems and recover from errors, and improve performance