Reporter > Customizing UNICOM Intelligence Reporter > UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility > Obtaining a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file
Obtaining a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file
You must provide a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file in the UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility in order to protect your deployed files. The following files are required to generate a .pfx file:
a public key (.cer) file
a private key (.pvk) file.
If you do not have these files, you can use the Microsoft Certificate Creation Tool makecert.exe (available in the Microsoft Windows SDK). The tool is intended for testing purposes. For example:
makecert.exe -sv MyKey.pvk -n "CN=MyCompanyName" MyKey.cer
You will be prompted to provide a password for the private key. When you have your public key (.cer) and private key (.pvk) files, you can then generate a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file by using the Microsoft PVK/SPC to PFX file converter pvk2pfx.exe. For example:
pvk2pfx.exe -pvk MyKey.pvk -spc MyKey.cer -pfx MyPFX.pfx -po MyPassword
Note You can obtain the makecert.exe and pvk2pfx.exe utilities from the Microsoft Windows SDK or Microsoft Windows Drive Kit.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility