Reporter > Publishing the results > Distributing data and results > Supplying source files and results to customers
Supplying source files and results to customers
If you want to send the original survey data files and the resulting table document (.mtd) files to another department or a customer who also has UNICOM Intelligence Reporter, this procedure ensures that the subsidiary files are also supplied.
To save the table documents
1 In UNICOM Intelligence Reporter, open a survey data file and create tables and charts as usual.
2 When saving your work:
If you save all your tables in a single table document (.mtd) file, save the file in the same folder as the survey data files.
If you save your tables in multiple table documents, save each table document file in a separate sub-folder beneath the survey data files.
To save the variable preview files
If you use the Variable Preview in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter, you should also supply the variable preview cache files along with the data and table document files, so that the recipient of the data can access the previews without having to regenerate them. The process for supplying these files is as follows:
1 In Windows Explorer, create a sub-folder beneath the folder containing the table document file, and give it the name Variable Preview Cache (the folder must have exactly this name).
2 In UNICOM Intelligence Reporter, open the table document file and choose File > Properties.
The Location field on the Advanced tab shows the temporary folder where the variable preview files are, for example, C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\Variable Preview Cache\tmp19E.
3 Select and copy this file path.
4 In Windows Explorer, paste the file path into the Address field to go directly to the folder.
5 Copy all the files and sub-folders in the temporary folder. Do not copy the temporary folder itself.
6 Paste all the files and sub-folders into the Variable Preview Cache folder.
7 Repeat these steps for each table document file.
8 When you supply the files to another employee or to a customer, include the entire folder containing the data source files and all the sub-folders, and ensure that you retain the sub-folder structure when packaging the files.
See also
Distributing data and results