Reporter > Filtering results > Filter conditions > Conditions for multiple response variables
Conditions for multiple response variables
When you add a multiple response variable to the Filter pane, the right side of the pane enables you to define a condition based on the selected variable.
Select the categories you want to base the expression on and select the option from the list that you want to apply:
includes any of these. Include respondents who chose at least one of the selected categories.
includes none of these. Exclude respondents who chose any of the selected categories.
includes all of these. Include respondents who chose all of the selected categories.
includes exactly these. Include respondents who chose all of the selected categories and no others.
includes at least. Include respondents who chose at least a specified number of the selected categories. Specify the number in the text box.
includes at most. Include respondents who chose no more than a specified number of the selected categories. Specify the number in the text box.
is between. Include respondents who chose a restricted number of the selected categories; for example, who chose between two and five categories. Specify the numbers in the text boxes. The first number should be smaller than the second number.
has a value. Include cases where a value exists for the selected variable.
has no value. Include cases where there is no value for the selected variable. This includes cases where a particular survey question was skipped, for example.
Note UNICOM Intelligence Reporter does not include null values in the calculation of the base. For example, if a table is created with only one museums variable on the side and the filter museums is null is set, the base will display as ‑ (hyphen), instead of displaying the count of null museums. If there is a need to include the variable null values, add a user defined element to the axis expression. For the previous example, adding an element with eExpression 'Empty' expression('museums is null') in the museums variable will display the count of null museums.
(See The base calculation for details.)
See also
Filter conditions