Reporter > Getting started with UNICOM Intelligence Reporter
Getting started with UNICOM Intelligence Reporter
The topics in this section walk you through getting in and out of UNICOM Intelligence Reporter, navigating around the UNICOM Intelligence Reporter window, and carrying out some common tasks including creating and exporting tables. Each topic contains links to topics with further details.
It is recommended that you read these topics in order and, if possible, try following the examples using the sample survey data. The tables in these topics use the Museum XML sample survey data, which comes with the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library. If you do not have access to this sample, you may want to try following the examples using your own survey data to create similar tables.
Topics in this section
1 Opening a survey data file
2 Using the UNICOM Intelligence Reporter window and displaying previews
3 Displaying results and saving your work
4 Creating crosstabulations
5 Changing the cell contents
6 Adding a filter
7 Changing the content of rows and columns
8 Creating profiles of respondent data
9 Publishing the results