Reporter > Tabulating hierarchical data > Tabulating grid and loop slices > Tabulating a slice of a grid variable
Tabulating a slice of a grid variable
In the Household sample data set, suppose you want to tabulate the rating that respondents gave to the vehicle's comfort by another variable (such as the vehicle type). Here is the grid question with the comfort slice highlighted:
Rating grid question
To create a crosstabulation of this grid slice by the vehicletype variable:
1 Create a new table.
2 In the Variables pane, expand the vehicle loop.
3 Drag the vehicletype variable that is nested within the loop and drop it on the Add button on the side of the table:
4 In the Variables pane, expand the rating grid that is inside the vehicle loop, and then expand the Column variable that is inside the rating grid.
5 Select the Comfort slice, and then click Add on the top of the table.
6 Click the Generate table button .
See also
Tabulating grid and loop slices