Reporter > Presenting results > Sorting tables > Sorting categories in nets
Sorting categories in nets
When you sort a table that contains nets, the categories within each net are kept together and sorted within the net. For example, the following unsorted table contains a number of nets:
Table with nets, unsorted
You can sort the rows of the table by their values in the Base column by selecting Gender{Base} in the Sort rows based on list on the Sort tab of the Table Properties dialog box. See Sorting a table for more information.
Here is the sorted table:
Table with nets, sorted on base Gender column
Note that the categories within each net have been sorted, and that the net groups have been sorted, but that the categories within each net group have been kept together.
You cannot use a category inside a net to sort the other axis of the table.
Nets in nested tables
You cannot sort an axis that contains net categories in an outer nest level. Any sorting that would apply to the axis is ignored.
See also
Sorting tables