Paper/Scan Add-on > Overview of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on workflow > Using ReadSoft FORMS to scan the questionnaires
Using ReadSoft FORMS to scan the questionnaires
ReadSoft FORMS has a modular design and you use different modules for different aspects of the work:
ReadSoft FORMS Scan
Use to scan and identify questionnaires that match a form definition that you have already set up in ReadSoft FORMS Manager using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on. ReadSoft FORMS Scan saves an image of each page of each completed questionnaire.
ReadSoft FORMS Interpret
Use to automatically interpret the data that ReadSoft FORMS Scan saved. ReadSoft FORMS Interpret saves its results in the ReadSoft FORMS database and gives each field and form a status that reflects the result of the interpretation and validation routines.
ReadSoft FORMS Verify
Use to manually enter data that ReadSoft FORMS Interpret found to be erroneous, missing, or that could not be interpreted. Also use to manually transcribe, code, or check the open-ended responses if you are not using the option to export the image files.
ReadSoft FORMS Transfer
Use to transfer the scanned data to an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on transfer (.std) file, which can be read by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on Transfer. UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on automatically sets the job up in ReadSoft FORMS with all of the details necessary to transfer the data to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on transfer file. So, to transfer the data to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on transfer file, all you need do is select the ReadSoft FORMS job file in ReadSoft FORMS Transfer and then select the Run tool.
For more information about these steps, see the ReadSoft FORMS documentation.
See also
Defining a questionnaire as a scanning project
Introduction to UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on Transfer
Analyzing the scanned data in Quantum
Overview of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on