Defining a questionnaire as a scanning project
To use UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on to define a paper questionnaire as a scanning project in ReadSoft FORMS Manager, do this:
1 Format the questionnaire in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper.
You format the questionnaire using scanning-enabled Looks, which contain hidden information to identify the fields on the questionnaire for the scanning software. You can use the scanning-enabled Looks that are supplied with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper, or you can define your own.
2 Insert scanning controls.
You use the Insert Scanning Controls command to create recognition and adjustment fields for each page of the questionnaire. Before you run the command, you can define the number, size, and position of these fields in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on Options dialog box.
For more information, see
Scanning control fields.
3 Transfer to scanning software
You use the Transfer to Scanning Software command on the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on menu to set up the job in ReadSoft FORMS Manager. Before you run the command, you can define default validation behavior for each type of field and other ReadSoft FORMS options in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on Options dialog box.
See also