Paper/Scan Add-on > Transferring the scanned data from ReadSoft FORMS
Transferring the scanned data from ReadSoft FORMS
You use UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer to take the data that you collect using ReadSoft FORMS and transfer it to the format that you want to use for storage or analysis. You can transfer the data to any format for which a data source component (DSC) is available.
Before you can use the UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer utility to transfer the data, you need to use the ReadSoft FORMS functionality to scan, interpret, and verify the data, and transfer it to the UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer (.std) file. UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on automatically sets the job up in ReadSoft FORMS with all of the details necessary to transfer the data to the UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer file. So, to transfer the data to the UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer file, all you need do is select the ReadSoft FORMS job file in ReadSoft FORMS Transfer and then select the Run tool. When the ReadSoft FORMS Transfer is complete, you open the transfer file in the UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer window, select a data source component, and run the transfer. The UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer window displays details of any errors it encounters.
Before you run the transfer, you can optionally parse the file. When you do this, Scan Transfer checks the transfer file for errors. When a file parses without any errors, it does not guarantee that the file will transfer without errors, because each DSC performs additional error checking. However, parsing will pick up many errors and inconsistencies in the data--for example, numeric responses that are outside the range defined for the question.
Note Do not run an ReadSoft FORMS Transfer on a transfer file that is open in UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer, because this may result in the loss of data.
See also
Exporting images of hand-written responses
System variables
Error and warning messages
ReadSoft FORMS transfer job description
Data source components
Marking and deleting transferred records
Marking and deleting transferred records
UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer window
Parsing a transfer file
Running a transfer
UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer: Transfer Details
UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer: Variable Details