Professional > Table scripting > Table specification syntax > Table scripting syntax quick reference
Table scripting syntax quick reference
UNICOM Intelligence Reporter uses the mrScriptBasic syntax. This topic shows examples of some of the scripting syntax that you may encounter when using the sample table scripts, with a brief explanation of the purpose of each one. For more detailed information on particular items of syntax, follow the links below to mrScriptBasic Reference topics in the UNICOM Intelligence Scripting and other sections of the DDL.
'! ... !'
'! and !' surrounding multiple lines of text indicate comment text that is ignored when the script is run.
'! *********************************************
This sample creates a number of tables that
illustrate how the Base element is calculated.
********************************************* !'
' Create tables
The ' character at the start of a line indicates a single-line comment.
"meanvisits 'Average number of visits' mean(visits) }", _ "Modified Signs variable with mean of Visits")
A space followed by the underscore character ( _) at the end of a line signifies that the syntax continues on the next line.
You cannot split a line in the middle of a parameter by simply using the underscore character. This example splits a line in the middle of a parameter by closing the parameter, splitting the line, and then reopening the parameter, using the syntax " + _. The " character closes the parameter, the + adds the two halves of the syntax together again, and the _ is the line continuation character. Note that the next line begins with ", to reopen the parameter.
.AddNew("Table2", "salary{base() [IsHidden=True]," + _
  "Mn 'Lowest' min(salary), Mx 'Highest' max(salary)," + _
  "Av 'Average' mean(salary) [Decimals=0]} * gender",
  "Salary level by gender of employee")
"! ... !"
TableDoc.Tables.AddNew("Table1", "!
  age {
"! and !" enclosing a string (instead of " and ") enable you to split the string over several lines for display purposes.
For more information, see Comments and coding conventions.
TableDoc.Tables.AddNew("Table1", "age * interview + gender")
Where the + symbol is used in a table specification, it indicates that two variables are concatenated together on an axis. See Concatenation and nesting for more information.
TableDoc.Tables.AddNew("Table2", "age * interview > gender")
Where the > symbol is used in a table specification, it indicates that variables are nested. See Concatenation and nesting for more information.
The > symbol is also used in a different context as the “greater than” operator.
For more information, see Comparison operators.
age{.., E65_years [IncludeInBase=False]}
Square brackets surround the definition of an element's properties.
Note that if more than one property is defined for the same element, both are enclosed in a single set of square brackets, separated by a comma.
age{.., E65_years [IsHidden=True, IncludeInBase=False]}
See Element properties for more information.
TableDoc.Tables.AddNew("Table1", "interest{Whales, Fossils, Dinosaurs} * gender")
Braces surround the lists of categories and other elements that form a variable's axis expression.
See Element list syntax for more information.
TableDoc.Default.Annotations[7].Specification = "<IMG SRC=""[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\ Output\logo.gif""/>"
In cases where you want to nest syntax containing quote marks inside other syntax that also contains quote marks, you must “escape” the quote marks in the inner section of the script so that they are not interpreted as forming the end of the outer section. You do this by using two sets of quote marks instead of one.
.AddNew("Table7", "Region{.., ^No_answer} * NumRooms > Person.Gender", "Filtered table")
The ^ character represents the NOT operator; in this example, it excludes the No_answer category from the variable.
.Table7.Filters.AddNew("MalesAndMotorBikesAtPerson", _
"Gender = {Male} And ^.Sum(Vehicle.(VehicleType = {Motorbike})) > 0", , "person")
The characters ^. represent the down-lev symbol.
For more information, see Hierarchical expressions.
The characters .( represent the up-lev symbol.
Select Case
Select Case Field.ObjectTypeValue
Case 0 ' mtVariable - Simple variable
If Field.DataType = mr.Long Or Field.DataType = mr.Double Then
' It's a numeric - autosummarize
TableDoc.Tables.AddNew("Table" + CText(TableDoc.Tables.Count + 1), _
Field.FullName, Field.Label)
End If
Case 1, 2, 3, 18 ' Array, Grid, Class, or Compound
' It's a container, process the contents
MakeTablesFromNumerics(TableDoc, Field.Fields)
End Select
Case statements conditionally execute a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression.
For more information, see Select Case.
Const MDD_FILE = "[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\ Data\Xml\Museum.mdd"
The Const keyword introduces a user-defined constant that you can use to replace parameters that you want to reuse or change. The constant replaces the parameter elsewhere in the script, for example:
TableDoc.DataSet.Load(MDD_FILE, , XML_FILE, "mrXmlDsc")
For more information, see User-defined constants.
Dim TableDoc
The Dim keyword introduces the syntax that declares one or more variables for use in your script.
For more information, see Variables.
Do Until AdoRS.EOF
For Each Field In AdoRS.Fields
Set XmlAnswerElement =
Set CDATASection = XmlDoc.createCDATASection(Field)
The Do Until Loop repeats a block of statements while a condition is True or until a condition becomes True.
For more information, see Do...Loop.
For Each Field In AdoRS.Fields
  Set XmlAnswerElement =
  Set CDATASection = XmlDoc.createCDATASection(Field)
For... Next repeats a group of statements a specified number of times. For more information, see For...Next.
For Each... Next repeats a group of statements for each element in a collection. For more information, see For Each...Next.
If Field.AxisExpression.IsEmpty() Then
  ' It hasn't already got an axis expression, so create one
  Field.AxisExpression = "{min 'Minimum' min(" + Field.FullName + _
    "), max 'Maximum' max(" + Field.FullName + _
    "), mean 'Mean' mean(" + Field.FullName + _
    "), StdDev 'Standard deviation' StdDev(" + Field.FullName + _
    "), StdErr 'Standard error' StdErr(" + Field.FullName + ")}"
End If
If...Then...Else conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression.
For more information, see If...Then...Else.
On Error
On Error Resume Next
On Error is used to enable and disable error handling.
For more information, see On Error and Resume Next.
Set TableDoc = CreateObject("TOM.Document")
The Set keyword introduces an assignment statement, which evaluates an expression and assigns the results to a variable.
For more information, see Assignment statements.
With TableDoc.Tables
  .AddNew("Signs", "signs", "Unmodified Signs variable")
  .AddNew("SignsNew", "signs{Yes, No}", "Two elements of the Signs variable")
End With
The With and End With keywords surround a block of statements that all apply to the same object (in the above example, adding two new tables to the Tables object). This provides a compact way of carrying out a number of actions on a single object.
For more information, see With.
Dynamic property expansion
Set MyElement = MyTable.Top.Gender.Elements.Male
Examples such as this use dynamic property expansion to provide a shorter way of writing a complex line of script. The equivalent script without dynamic property expansion would look like this:
Set MyElement = _
See Dynamic property expansion for more information.
Additional reference topics
When you create variables and elements, you must follow the mrScriptBasic naming conventions. See Naming conventions.
A number of keywords in scripts are reserved words; you can use reserved words in scripts. See mrScriptBasic keyword summary.
See also Learning mrScriptBasic in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
You may also want to look at Creating your first mrScriptBasic script to learn about the features in UNICOM Intelligence Professional that help you write mrScriptBasic scripts and explain how to run an mrScriptBasic file in UNICOM Intelligence Professional.
See also
Table specification syntax