Insertion character styles
You use insertion character styles in Looks to insert information from the questionnaire definition. The names of the insertion character styles indicate what they insert. For example, use the mr Question Text character style to insert question text, the mr Category Text character style to insert category texts, and so on.
You do not have to include insertion character styles for all of the information that is in the questionnaire definition. For example, if the questionnaire definition contains both a name and a short name for each item, you can decide which one to use in the paper questionnaire. If you decide to use the short name, you create a Look that includes a placeholder to which the mr Question Short Name character style is applied. When you apply the Look to a question, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper inserts the question short name and ignores the question name.
Sometimes, Looks contain insertion character styles for information that is not defined for every question. For example, some, but not all, questions have an instruction text defined. You can apply the mr Instruction character style to a placeholder in a Look and apply it to all questions regardless of whether they have an instruction text defined. If a question has an instruction text, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper displays it in the appropriate position. For questions that do not have an instruction text, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper displays nothing in that position.
See also