Paper > Understanding Looks > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper character styles > Conditional substitution character styles > Conditional Substitution dialog box
Conditional Substitution dialog box
You use the Conditional Substitution dialog box to create new, and edit existing, conditional substitution character styles.
Style Name
Defines the name for the conditional substitution character style. The name must be unique, can be up to 255 characters long, and must not start with the mr prefix, which is reserved for character styles supplied with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper. You cannot change the names of existing styles.
Style Condition
Defines the condition for the style. Select from the following conditions:
Question is rotated
Question is reversed
Question has limited answer range
Question has card/column definition
Question is single response
Category is single response
Category has Other Specify defined
Category has Go To definition
Category has card/column definition
Grid has card/column definition
Question has special answer DK
Question has special answer NA
Question has special answer Ref
Note The three Question has special answer conditions test for special categories that have been defined as Don't Know (DK), No Answer (NA), and Refused to answer (Ref). These special categories are generally used with numeric questions and are not the same as standard Don't Know categories in categorical questions.
Defines the language of the texts that you are entering. Typically, you enter the texts in this dialog box only in the main language of the study. UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper stores the conditional substitution texts in a file named condstyl.mdd. This file is installed into the Looks folder and can be translated using Translation Utility.
Text to insert if condition is true/false
The text that will be inserted when the condition is true and the text that will be inserted when the condition is false. You can optionally leave one of these texts blank; for example, if you want to insert text only when the condition is true.
You can specify symbols to insert. However, you cannot enter them directly in the Conditional Substitution dialog box. You specify a symbol in the dialog box by typing the key that represents the symbol in the symbol font. When you use the character style in a Look, format the placeholder in the correct font for the symbol, such as Symbol or Wingdings. For example, enter the letter q in the dialog box to insert the Wingdings symbol of a square with a shadow on its lower edge. In the Look, format the placeholder in the Wingdings font. When you apply the Look to a question for which the condition applies, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper inserts the Wingdings square symbol.
You cannot combine both texts and symbols in the same conditional substitution text because UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper applies the same font to all of the conditional substitution text.
See also
Conditional substitution character styles
List of installed conditional substitution character styles
Standard phrases in multiple languages
Adding placeholders for conditional substitution
Adding a conditional substitution character style
Editing a conditional substitution character style