Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > UNICOM Intelligence Professional window > Working with advanced editing options
Working with advanced editing options
UNICOM Intelligence Professional provides a number of advanced editing features that are available from the Edit menu: Edit > Advanced.
Advanced option
Increase Line Indent
Increases the indentation for the selected lines.
Decrease Line Indent
Decreases the indentation for the selected lines.
Comment Selection
Effectively comments-out script by adding an apostrophe character to the beginning of each selected line.
Uncomment selection
Removes the comment apostrophe characters from each selected line.
Tabify Selection
Converts selected spaces into tabs. The number of spaces-to-tabs is defined in the Tab Indent option in the Options dialog box: see UNICOM Intelligence Professional options.
Untabify Selection
Converts selected tabs into spaces. The number of spaces-to-tabs is defined in the Tab Indent option in the Options dialog box: see UNICOM Intelligence Professional options.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Professional window