Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using ScriptAssist
Using ScriptAssist
ScriptAssist is an automatic feature of UNICOM Intelligence Professional that can help you to write scripts more quickly. Whenever you type a dot (.) after the name of a variable, ScriptAssist displays a list of the members (properties and methods) or global functions that are valid for that variable. Using the mouse or keyboard, you can select one of the entries in the suggestion list, and it will be pasted into your script. This feature makes it easy to include objects in your scripts without having to remember the names of all the valid properties and methods.
When the ScriptAssist suggestion list appears, you can select an item from the list by double-clicking on the item, or by highlighting the item using the arrow keys and typing a dot (.).
If your variable is a question in the routing section of an interview script, the suggestion list might show category names or sub questions, depending on the definition of the question.
See also
Items in the Suggestion list
Activating ScriptAssist manually
Retrieving the CadsClient service objects when using IOM.Services
Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional