Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using ScriptAssist > Activating ScriptAssist manually
Activating ScriptAssist manually
To force the ScriptAssist suggestion list to appear, use the following keyboard shortcuts. The contents of the suggestion list depend on the type of script, and the position of the cursor when the keyboard shortcut is pressed.
Keyboard shortcut
Where to use
Display a global list of all UNICOM Intelligence functions, built-in variables, and enumerators in UNICOM Intelligence Type libraries. If pressed in the routing section of an interview script, the list will include all questions defined in the metadata section.
Anywhere in a mrScriptBasic script (.mrs) file, in the routing section of an interview script (.mdd) file, or in an event section of a data management script (.dms) file.
Display a list of all the questions defined in the metadata section. If the cursor was positioned after the name of a question, Ctrl+Q will display a list of all the sub questions for that question.
In the routing section of an interview script.
Display a list of all the categories for a question.
In the routing section of an interview script, with the cursor positioned after the name of a categorical question.
See also
Using ScriptAssist