Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews > Using the interview metadata viewer
Using the interview metadata viewer
By default, each interview script opens in UNICOM Intelligence Professional with a Metadata Model (MDM) metadata viewer attached on the right-hand edge of the Edit pane. The metadata viewer can be useful when you are writing and debugging your interview script. For example, you can use the Copy as Ask shortcut menu option to generate mrScriptBasic code to ask some or all of the questions defined in the metadata section of your script. You can then paste this code into the routing section of the script.
The metadata viewer displays the metadata only for the interview script that it is attached to and cannot be used to display any other metadata document. If you need to view another metadata document, you can either use the independent metadata viewer (see Using the metadata viewer in Professional (in the Professional Metadata pane), or open the other metadata document from the File menu.
Apart from adding a data source and changing the current data source, the metadata viewers in Professional cannot be used to make permanent changes to the metadata. If you need to make permanent changes, use MDM Explorer: for more information, see “MDM Explorer” in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
If you do not want a metadata viewer to open automatically whenever you open an interview script, change the setting of the Initially Show Metadata View option (see UNICOM Intelligence Professional options). If an open interview script does not have a metadata viewer attached, you can open one by right-clicking in the Edit pane and from the shortcut menu choosing Show Metadata.
See also
Toolbar buttons
Shortcut menu options
Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews