Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using the metadata viewer
Using the metadata viewer
When you are working in UNICOM Intelligence Professional, you can use the Metadata pane to view the objects in a metadata document (.mdd) file. This is useful when you need to look up names of variables and categories for use in a filter or table.
If you have installed UNICOM Intelligence Professional with the Interview option, each interview script opens with its own individual metadata viewer attached to the side of the script. For more information, see Using the interview metadata viewer, which also contains information on using the viewer to write interview scripts.
To display the Metadata pane, click Metadata on the View menu or press Alt+7 twice. You can open any Metadata Document (.mdd) file. You do this by selecting the Open Metadata Document toolbar button and then selecting the file in the Open Metadata dialog box. If the .mdd file contains multiple versions, the latest version is opened initially. However, you can change the version by right-clicking in the Metadata pane, and then click Change Version > version. The file is always opened in read-only mode and so any changes you make will not be saved.
When you are using the Metadata pane, the Properties pane displays the properties of the object selected in the Metadata pane. For example, when you select a variable or element in the Metadata pane, you can view its Label property in the Properties pane. Initially the labels are displayed in the default language; to change it, right-click in the Metadata pane, and then click Change Language.
Metadata pane toolbar buttons
Create a new Metadata Document (.mdd) file.
Open a Metadata Document (.mdd) file.
Save the metadata to a Metadata Document (.mdd) file.
Show or hide the Properties Pane.
Show or hide the various types of objects that the metadata viewer can display.
See also
Viewing the full names of the variables you can use in a filter in a DMS file
Viewing category full names for use in a filter in a DMS file
Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional