Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews > Testing an interview
Testing an interview
You can test your interview script in three different ways:
Using the Debug option
The script pauses when it reaches the first question in the current routing context. When you answer the first question, the script pauses at the next question, and so on. Use this option to test the appearance of the interview, and to interact with the interview in a web browser. For more information, see Testing your interview using the Debug option.
Using the Single Step option
The script will pause on the first line of code in the current routing context, and you can then continue to single step through the rest of the code. This option is useful if your routing section contains mrScriptBasic statements such as If and Select and you want to follow the flow of the code. See Testing your interview using the Single Step option.
Using the Auto Answer option
UNICOM Intelligence Professional runs the script and generates random answers to the questions in the current routing context. For more information, see Running an interview automatically.
Selecting a web browser
By default, Professional will display the interview questions in the Browser pane. To display the interview in an external web browser, change the Use Built-in Browser (see UNICOM Intelligence Professional options).
Professional supports Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Note To use Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.x as the external browser, you must add http://localhost to the list of Internet Explorer trusted sites: Tools > Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites > Sites
See also
Testing your interview using the Debug option
Testing your interview using the Single Step option
Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews