Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews > Testing an interview > Testing your interview using the Debug option
Testing your interview using the Debug option
1 In the Edit pane, click the tab of the routing context that you want to run. You can skip this step if your interview script has only one routing context.
2 From the Debug menu, choose Start. Alternatively, press F5.
You can also run an interview by choosing Start Without Debugging from the Professional Debug menu or pressing Ctrl+F5. The difference between the two methods is that “Start” (F5) stops execution if it encounters a breakpoint in the current routing context.
3 To reveal the Browser pane, click the Browser pane tab or press Alt+9 twice. If you have chosen to use an external browser, a browser window opens.
4 As each question appears, you can choose to answer the question and click the Next button on the browser page, or press F5 to let Auto Answer generate a random answer to the question (see Running an interview automatically). If you are using an external browser, you must switch back to Professional before pressing F5.
5 To stop the interview at any time, click the Stop button on the browser page or press Shift+F5. If you are using an external browser, be aware that closing the browser window while an interview is running does not stop the interview.
See also
Testing an interview