Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews > Displaying different languages
Displaying different languages
When using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews, you can display different languages in the following ways:
Change the language that is used in window titles, menu names, ToolTips, and other elements of the UNICOM Intelligence Professional graphical user interface (GUI). For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Professional in other languages.
Change the browser pages that appear when you run an interview in UNICOM Intelligence Professional. By default, these two pages contain the English text “No interviews are currently running” and “Executing routing logic”. However, you can create individual browser pages for any number of different languages. The pages whose language matches the system locale setting in the computer's operating system then appear when you run an interview.
To create browser pages for different languages
1 In the Interview folder, which by default is in the %APPDATA%\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\<version>\Professional\ folder, create a subfolder whose name is the four letter language code for the required language. Typically, you create a folder that matches the system locale for the computer's operating system. For example, for French-Canada, create a folder called:
2 Copy the following five files from:
to the subfolder that you created in the previous step:
3 In Windows Explorer, navigate to the new subfolder, right-click BrowserDefault.htm, click Properties from the shortcut menu, and then clear Read-only. Do the same for InterviewDefault.htm.
4 Edit the BrowserDefault.htm and InterviewDefault.htm files in the new subfolder to change the text. To edit these files, you can use either a text editor such as Notepad or an HTML editor. Alternatively, you can replace these files with your own HTML files that have the same file names.
5 Save the two files, and then quit and restart UNICOM Intelligence Professional.
When you now run an interview, UNICOM Intelligence Professional uses the browser pages in the subfolder whose name matches the system locale setting. To change back to the English browser pages, rename the subfolder that you created so that its name no longer matches the system locale setting and restart UNICOM Intelligence Professional.
See also
To create browser pages for different languages
Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews