Author > Activating questionnaires > Activate Current Project: Participants settings > Uploading participant records
Uploading participant records
This topic explains how to upload participant records using the Activate dialog box.
Note You can only upload participant records if your UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin user profile is assigned the Can upload participants activity feature in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin. For more information, see “Assigning users or roles to activity features” in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin User's Guide.
Using this method to load records is generally the same as loading records using the Participants activity in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin, but there are some restrictions that apply to the participants text file. Whereas the Participants activity accepts any field names in the participants text file, and provides facilities for mapping fields in the file to the field names that the sample management system requires in the database, the Activate component does not. This means that all fields that are present in the text file, and that are required sample management fields, must have the correct names in the text file. For example, the record Id must be stored in a field called Id. If the field name is RecNum, you must change this in the header line of the text file before you upload records.
To upload participant records
1 Select Upload (located under the Participants node).
2 Select Upload participants and click Browse.
This opens the Specify Participants dialog box.
3 In Delimiter, select the character that separates the fields in each record. The default is a comma. If you pick a different character, this becomes the default the next time you activate a project.
4 Click Browse and select the .txt or .csv file you want to upload.
5 The upload process automatically randomizes records as it loads them. Click Re-randomize all participant records during import if you want to cancel the randomization process.
6 Click OK.
Activate checks the participants text file and displays the fields in the fields table.
7 Make whatever changes are appropriate in this table.
8 Use the Participants: Fields and Participants: Script settings to select the sample database and table you want to use, and the sample management script that will control access to the participant records.
See also
Required fields for Web interviews
Required fields for telephone interviews
Required fields for personal interviews
Using the fields
See also
Activate Current Project: Participants settings