Author > Activating questionnaires > Activate Current Project: Participants settings > Uploading participant records > Required fields for Web interviews
Required fields for Web interviews
Set to 1 while the sample management functions are running; that is, while the record is in the ACTIVE queue.
Data type and length: Long
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Default value: 0
The StartTime of latest record in the history table for a specific sample.
The session engine will update this value for the latest activity on the sample record.
Data type and length: DateTime
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Default value: Null
The contact outcome (return) code for the previous contact to this record.
Data type and length: Text(64)
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
The sample record ID which uniquely identifies each sample record.
Data type and length: Text(64)
Null permitted: No
Primary key: Yes
Written to by the sample script to record which interview mode was used for a particular interview: is set to Web for an inbound self-completion interview, Phone for outbound telephone interviewing, or Personal for personal interviewing. In projects that allow a mix of inbound and outbound calling, the sample management script will set this field.
Data type and length: Text(64)
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Names the queue in which the record is currently held.
Data type and length: Text(255)
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Default value: FRESH
The time at which the record was returned to sample management. This allows you to specify the amount of time that must elapse between repeat contacts to records whose interviews timed out or were stopped.
Data type and length: Date
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Identifies which respondents are the suitable candidates for the current survey. Screener questions are designed to filter respondents. If a respondent answers do not meet the Screener criteria, the respondent is not allowed to continue the survey, and the Screener field is recorded as Failed. If respondent answers meet the Screener criteria, they are allowed to continue the survey, and the Screener field is recorded as Passed.
This field can be set using the following IOM script in routing (it is the data source for the Incidence report).
Passed Screener:
IOM.SampleRecord.Item["Screener"].Value = "Passed"
‘ Skip to next question

Failed Screener:
IOM.SampleRecord.Item["Screener"].Value = "Failed"
IOM.Terminate(Signals.sigFailedScreener, True)
In order to accurately calculate the project incidence, the Screener field is added to the sample table. The field is updated during the survey with three values – Null, Passed, and Failed. The sum of Passed is the incidence numerator; the sum of Passed and Failed is the incidence denominator. The incidence report is generated using TOM based on the data source, sample table, and sample history table.
Data type and length: Text(64)
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Default value: Null
The unique serial number that UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin assigns to each respondent's case data. Generally, this serial number is not the same as the sample record ID. When a respondent restarts an interview, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin uses the serial number to retrieve the respondent's case data record and to display the responses (stored in the case data record) that the respondent has already given.
Data type and length: Long
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Default value: 0
Set to 1 if the record is test data, or 0 if it is real data (also known as live data). This column is used by the Interviewing activity to restrict the type of data that appears in phone reports. If the value is Null, the Interviewing activity will treat the record as if it is both real and test data.
Data type and length: Long
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Default value: Null
The UserId of latest record in the history table for a specific sample.
Data type and length: Text(64)
Null permitted: Yes
Primary key: No
Default value: NULL
See also
Uploading participant records