Author > Customizing UNICOM Intelligence Author > UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility > UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility command line
UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility command line
You can run the UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility from the command line.
The UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility (PublishAssets.exe) is in the same directory as UNICOM Intelligence Author Server Edition. The default directory is:
PublishAssets.exe [-AppManifest <path>] [-CustomFolder <path>]
  -CertFile <path> [-Password <text>] [-RevVersion <version> ]
-AppManifest <path> or -appm
Optional. The application's manifest file. By default, the first *.application file in current directory is searched.
-CustomFolder <path>
Optional. The custom files folder. The default location is the Custom Files folder in the current directory.
-CertFile <path>
Required. A Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file contains a public key and a private key. The file is used to sign the manifest file. See Obtaining a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file.
-Password or -pwd
Optional. The password for the .pfx file (if required).
-RevVersion <version>
Optional. The revision version to publish for the application. By default, the value is incremented by one.
-Help or -? or - h
Help for the utility.
Supported custom files
Author.exe.config Reporter.exe.config
The application's configurations file.
Style sheet file for the CATI Player.
Java scripts file for the CATI Player.
Contains the standard texts used for reporting errors in questionnaire scripts.
Directory that contains spell-check dictionaries.
Directory that contains the style sheet (.css) files.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Publish Assets Utility