Professional > Troubleshooting > Data Management troubleshooting > FAQs about how to set up specific jobs
FAQs about how to set up specific jobs
Can you include code in a DMS file to generate topline reports from data in a relational MR database?
The answer is yes, and the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library comes with a number of samples that show you how to do this. If you have the UNICOM Intelligence Professional Tables Option, you may want to look at the table scripting samples, which use the Tables Object Model (TOM) to script topline tables. See Table scripting sample Data Management scripts for more information.
There are also a number of samples that you can use if you do not have UNICOM Intelligence Reporter. For example, the MSWordToplines.dms sample is an Include file that contains an OnAfterJobEnd Event section that sets up in Word topline summaries for all of the simple categorical questions in the data source. By adding the following to the second example in Transferring data from Quanvert (the QuanvertToRDB example), you could use this Include file to create topline summaries from the output data that is stored in a relational MR database:
#define MYMDDFILE "[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\ Output\QuanvertToRDB.mdd"
#define OUTPUTFOLDER "[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\ Output"
#define MYPROJECT "Museum"
#Include ".\Include\MSWordToplines.dms"
Alternatively, you could run the MSWordAndIEToplinesRDB.mrs sample .mrs file after running your DMS file. See Topline samples.
Does UNICOM Intelligence Professional have an easy way of setting up a Quantum specification?
The new MDSC capability of Quantum DSC means that it is now easy to include code in your DMS file to write out a basic Quantum specification to match the card, column, and punch definitions in the metadata. See Creating the Quantum specification for more information.
I want to combine data from various sources (such as Quanvert, Quancept, and XML) into one relational MR database. Is this possible and how should I go about it?
You can do this by using a DMS script to merge the data sources. See Merging case data for more information.
Is it possible to string two DMS files together--for example, so that the output of the first is used as the input for the second?
One easy way of doing this is to make an MS-DOS batch file to run the jobs one after the other. For example, to create a batch file to run the Simple.dms and MDM2Quantum.dms sample files:
1 Use a text editor to create a new text file containing the following:
Call DMSRun Simple.dms
Call DMSRun MDM2Quantum.dms
2 Save the text file in the same location as your DMS files with a name of the form MyBatchFile.bat.
3 Double-click MyBatchFile.bat in Windows Explorer.
This opens a command prompt and runs the DMS files in sequence. Note that if you create the batch file in another location, you will need to change to the location of the DMS file or specify the location of the DMS file in the batch file, for example:
Call DMSRun "[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Scripts\Data Management\DMS\Simple.dms"
Note The UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library comes with a number of sample batch files. See Sample batch files for more information.
Is it possible to export data from Access or Excel to Quantum? If so, how do I go about doing this?
The DDL includes two sample data management scripts called MSAccessToQuantum.dms and MSExcelToQuantum.dms that demonstrate how to do this.
For more information about these scripts, see Sample DMS files that integrate with Microsoft Office.
See also
Data Management troubleshooting