Configuring the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin Email activity
The installation procedure asks whether you want to configure the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin Email activity as part of the installation process. If you choose not to do this, or the automatic configuration fails, you can perform the configuration manually as follows:
1 In Windows Explorer, navigate to:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Code\Tools\VB.NET\DPM Explorer.Net
2 Double click DPMExplorer.exe.
DPMExplorer is installed as part of the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library which you can install from the UNICOM Intelligence Server installation program.
3 Expand the site entry and then select the Properties entry.
You should see properties called EmailServerName and EmailServerPort in the right-hand frame.
4 To edit the properties:
▪If the properties exist but have no values, define their values as follows: Select the property. In the lower right pane, type a value and click Apply. The property's value is displayed in the upper right pane.
▪If the properties do not exist, choose Add > Property, and enter the property's name and value in the dialog box displayed.
5 Close DPM Explorer.