Interviewer - Server Admin > Edit project > Working with project properties > Project properties
Project properties
Standard application properties
ClusterList, Notes, ProjectLocked, ProjectLockedBy, InterviewScriptType, ShowInterviewApps, ShowTableApps.
Interviewer Server (Data Collection) project properties
For further information about these properties refer to "Project and Interview Properties" in the Interview Scripting Reference section of the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
The active metadata version to use for interviewing. If not specified, the latest version is used. Exists for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer projects only.
The call outcome code that prompts CATI interviewers to arrange an appointment with the respondent. Set when a project is activated with CATI. By default this corresponds to the APPOINTMENT call outcome. Set when a project is activated with CATI.
The page to be used for authentication. This can be in the form of a URL or the name of a template (for example, or authtemplate.htm). However, it is recommended that you use a template and not a URL for this page.
The form of the AuthenticatePage property; valid states are URL or TEMPLATE.
The page to be shown when authentication fails. This can be in the form of a URL or the name of a template.
The form of the AuthFailedPage property; valid states are URL or TEMPLATE.
The page to be used when a respondent accesses authentication for the second and subsequent times. This can be in the form of a URL or the name of a template--for example, or authtemplate.htm. However, it is recommended that you use a template and not a URL for this page.
The form of the AuthRetryPage property; valid states are URL or TEMPLATE.
The number of seconds that auto-dialing should continue trying to dial numbers for an Interviewer. The default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Whether data is written immediately to the data model. 0=do not write immediately, 1=write to the data model for each submitted page (the default), 2=write to the data model immediately for each value. For further information refer to "The Value Cache" in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
The phone number to send as the caller's identification when calls are made using an autodialer. If set to 0, no caller ID is sent. If set to 1, the dialer's phone number is sent. Otherwise the contents of this field are sent as the ID.
The call outcome code that can be used to terminate a CATI interview when the respondent no longer wants to continue. By default, this corresponds to the ABANDONED call outcome. Set when a project is activated with CATI.
Names the cluster on which the project is activated. Currently, all projects are activated to the same cluster which is called DefaultCluster.
The page to be shown at the end of a completed interview. This can be in the form of a URL or the name of a template.
The form of the CompletedInterviewPage property; valid states are URL or TEMPLATE.
A semicolon separated list that includes all call outcomes that do not immediately disconnect the call. This property is only employed when used with IBM SPSS Dialer. Interviewers must exit and re-enter the Phone participants activity in order to pick up changes to this property.
By default, this corresponds to the TransferToWeb call outcome.
In the Activate server component, the property checks if the activate document XML is null. A null setting means the collection is not set in the user interface. The default day part configuration collection is obtained from: _agent.Server.Properties.Item("DefaultCatiParameters") and set to the current sample management object.
In the Activate client component, when opening desktop activation, the property reads sample management properties, including CATI parameters from DPM (if the property exists for the CATI project in DPM server). If no such CATI project exists (new project or existing project is not a CATI project), the property reads the default CATI parameters, including the day parts collection, from agent site properties. The property can display the day part configuration collection in the user interface.
In the Build activity, the response type for categorical responses if none is selected.
In the Build activity, the name of the presentation template file to use when a question has no other template defined.
The name of the dialing sample management provider to use, specified as the ProgID of the provider class. Existing names are QsampExtSM.Provider and QSampGroupSM.Provider. The property is empty when the project does not use a dialer.
Specifies a project expiry time that controls the last time that an interview can occur for a project in web or phone mode including prohibiting appointments to be set after the expiry time.
Call outcome codes that should not be displayed in the list that interviewers see. This list contains codes, such as COMPLETED, that are normally assigned by the interviewing program itself or by the project's sample management script.
Supervisors can view and change this list using the Interviewing Options activity; UNICOM Intelligence administrators can view and change it using DPM Explorer.
The page to be shown when authentication fails and no retries are to be offered. This can be in the form of a URL or the name of a template.
The form of the InterviewRejectedPage property; valid states are URL or TEMPLATE.
Whether an interview should be restarted using the version it started on, or the active version. 0=Restart on initial version, 1=Restart on active version. The default is 0. Exists for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer projects only.
The script type. Always “Dimensions”.
The URL used to start an interview on the project.
The page to be shown when a respondent selects the Stop button during an interview. This can be in the form of a URL or the name of a template.
The form of the InterviewStoppedPage property; valid states are URL or TEMPLATE.
The name of the user who last activated the project. Exists for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer projects only, and is set during activation. Not available for importing.
The maximum number of times a respondent may retry authentication after failing the initial attempt. The default is 5.
Whether interviewers may be monitored. Possible settings are: 0=Never allowed; 1=Always allowed; 2=Ask participant. The default is 2.
The number of seconds for the dialer to let a number ring before it is considered to be unanswered. The default is 15 seconds.
Notes about the project. Used, for example, to explain the differences between different versions of the project.
The percentage of calls to be recorded per project between 0 and 100. The default is 0.
The page to be shown when a respondent attempts to access a project that is not available for interviewing. This can be in the form of a URL or the name of a template.
The form of the ProjectInactivePage property; valid states are URL or TEMPLATE.
Whether the project is locked. 0=No, 1=Yes. When a project is locked by one user, some activities that would normally by available to other users of the project will no longer be available. Not available for importing.
The name of the user who has locked the project. Not available for importing.
The page to be shown when an interview terminates because the quota is full. This can be in the form of a URL or the name of a template.
The form of the QuotaFullPage property; valid states are URL or TEMPLATE.
The name of the quota project associated with this project. Blank if quota is not used.
Whether to prevent interviewers logging in on positions that are not defined in the dialer configuration file. If this property is False, interviewers logging in on positions not in the dialer configuration file see a warning but may continue to work.
The default routing context for the project. Set when a project is activated. Typical routing contexts are Paper for printed questionnaires, Web for inbound interviews, and CATI for outbound calling.
Call outcome codes that are available during interviews. Defaults to the codes that represent ABANDONED, APPOINTMENT, and TRANSFERTOWEB.
Call outcome codes that are available while interviews are running. Created when a project is activated with CATI.
The name of the sample management provider to use; for example, VBScriptSM.Provider. Used for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer projects only.
Whether to display interviewing activities in the activities list. 0=No, 1=Yes. The default is 1 for questionnaire projects.
Whether to display tabulation activities in the activities list. 0=No, 1=Yes. The default is for 0 questionnaire projects.
The name of a .wav file to play to a participant if predictive dialing results in a silent call.
Whether to use quota control for test interviews. 0=No, 1=Yes. The default is 1.
Whether to use sample management in test interviews. 0=No, 1=Yes. The default is 1.
The metadata version to use for test interviews. If not specified, the latest version is used. Exists for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer projects only.
The date and time at which the project was last activated. Set when a project is activated. Not available for importing.
Whether the project has been activated for CATI. 0=No, 1=Yes. The default is 0. Not available for importing.
Whether the project uses the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model. 0=No, 1=Yes. The default is 1.
This property is obsolete in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer 2.1 and later.
Whether the project uses the default templates and URLs. 0=No, 1=Yes.
Whether the data cache should be held in memory only. There is no automatic restart on fail-over when the in-memory cache is used. 0=No, 1=Yes. The default is 0.
Indicates whether the player can post previous questions. For example, in the case of a browser, the browser Back button can be used to return to a previous page of the interview. 0=No, 1=Yes. The default is 1.
Whether the project uses Sample Management. 0=No, 1=Yes.
Tabulation project properties
These project properties apply only to analysis projects.
The user's current tables document (.mtd) file.
The project's connection string.
Specifies the number of levels of a variable name to display in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter. Use this property to limit the length of variable names when your variables use namespaces; for example, select 1 to display only the final level from the namespace. For projects containing grid variables, enter a value of at least 2 to ensure that the full grid name is displayed.
Stores an XML document that contains details of any new variables and modifications to existing variables made by the user in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter.
See also
Working with project properties