Survey Tabulation > Exporting tables > Formatting the output in Microsoft Word
Formatting the output in Microsoft Word
When you export your tables to Microsoft Word, the tables are placed one after the other in a single Word document. The exported tables are inserted into Word tables using the "Automatically resize to fit contents" option. This means that the Word export is not suitable for extremely wide tables that cannot be displayed properly in the available page width. (Note that you can use a custom template to set the page orientation to landscape.) Long tables do not pose the same problem, because they can be split across multiple pages when necessary. You can select the Repeat Heading Rows option in the Word Exports dialog boxselect the Repeat Heading Rows option in the Word Exports dialog boxset the RepeatTopAxis property if you want the table column headings to be repeated on each page when this happens. Similarly, the Display Borders optionset the DisplayBorders property enables you to specify whether or not the tables should have borders.
Formatting of the text is controlled using Word templates and styles. For further information, see:
Working with Microsoft Word templates
Working with Microsoft Word styles
Changing the Microsoft Word export orientation to landscape
Changing the headers and footers used in the table of contents
Positioning the output in a Microsoft Word export file using bookmarks
The default Microsoft Word export styles
Valid element and cell contents types
Creating and modifying Microsoft Word paragraph styles
See also
Exporting tables