Interviewer - Server Admin > Publish Data > Setting up Publish Data for IBM Cognos > Setting up the dispatcher URL for the IBM Cognos server
Setting up the dispatcher URL for the IBM Cognos server
After installation, the default DispatcherUrl value is empty, which effectively disables the IBM Cognos related Publish Data options. You must update the DispatcherUrl DPM property, in the appropriate property collection, under Applications > PublishData > ApplicationSettings > CognosServers. Refer to DPM settings for publishing data for more information.
You can use the IBM Cognos Configuration utility to determine the appropriate DispatcherUrl value (Environment > Dispatcher URI for external applications).
Note If the IBM Cognos server and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin are located on different computers, replace the localhost value in the Dispatcher URI for external applications URL with the specific IBM Cognos server's IP address.
See also
Setting up Publish Data for IBM Cognos