Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Build > Creating questions > Numeric questions
Numeric questions
Numeric questions require answers that are integer or real numbers, optionally within a specified range.
When you export numeric questions, the export process exports the question texts exactly as they appear in the questionnaire. Sometimes, you will want to use different texts in your analyses than you used during interviewing. For example, in an interview you will ask “How old are you?” but in tabulations you may prefer the text “Age” or “Age of respondent”.
To create a numeric question
1 Click Insert Item.
This opens the New Item dialog box.
2 Choose Numeric Question and click OK.
3 In Name, optionally replace the default item name with a name of your choice.
4 In Question Text, type the question text.
To set advanced options
1 Select the Advanced tab, and then see:
Require a response to this question
Hide this question
2 In Number Type, choose either Integer or Real depending on the type of numeric answer you want to accept.
3 In the Minimum Value and Maximum Value boxes, type the range of values to accept as valid responses. See Question limits for information about the range of values you can use for numeric responses.
Special responses
If you want to allow “No Answer”, “Don’t Know”, or “Refuse to Answer” as special responses to this question, do the following:
1 In Special Responses, select the responses you want to allow.
2 If you want a response to be displayed with a text other than the one shown on this tab, type the text in the Text box.
3 See Routing.
To set presentation options
1 Select the Presentation tab.
2 In Presentation Style, select a layout template:
Click the button next to the empty box.
On the Select page, locate the template file and click Select. For more information, see Copying pictures and presentation templates.
The filename appears in the Presentation Style box.
To set export and analysis options
See To set export and analysis options.
See also
Creating questions