Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities are activities that you can run from UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin when you have UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer installed.
Design activities
Build for defining a questionnaire.
View Survey Link: Displays a message box listing URLs for running live and test interviews. Select the test link to test your questionnaire. This opens a new browser window and runs an interview in the same way that a respondent would run an interview. There is no menu bar and no online help.
Manage activities
Launch for preparing projects for interviewing.
Promote Project for activating a project from one cluster to another.
Participants for loading participant records into the participant database.
Participant rules for editing Sample Management scripts.
Specifying the activation parameters for sending Email messages to respondents.
Interviewing Options for defining parameters required for telephone and personal interviewing.
Review Interviews for reviewing telephone, web, and personal interviews after they have finished.
Interviewer Monitoring for real-time monitoring of telephone interviewers. This activity is available from the Phone menu.
Dialer Administration for using autodialers with your telephone interviewing projects. This activity is available from the Phone menu.
Quotas for checking quotas and changing quota targets.
Manage Logs for viewing and downloading UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer log files. This activity is available from the Tools menu.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Remote Admin for monitoring remote interviewers.
Data Collection activities
Phone Participants for conducting telephone interviews.
Export Data for exporting interview data in a variety of formats.
Publish Data for publishing live data to reporting applications, namely IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, that in turn provide enterprise level reporting, analysis, score-carding, and event notification.
Reports activities
Survey Results for generating topline tables using interview data.
Status for monitoring a project’s interviewing status.
Interviewing for running reports on projects that utilize sample management.
Interviewing activity reports for monitoring activity on interviewer session engines. This activity is available from the Reports menu.
Activation History for monitoring project activation status. The activity provides options for viewing pending and completed activations and creating activation history filters. This activity is available from the Reports menu.
The following activities do not support Firefox 10 or above; to use them, you must use Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or above (in compatibility mode when using version 10.x):
Survey Tabulation
When using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, a Microsoft update is required. See:
By default, Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 enables IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) setting. As a result, the HTML editor features in UNICOM Intelligence Server products may be blocked. You can resolve the blocking issues by disabling IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) setting in Microsoft Windows 2008 R2. For information on IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC), see the Windows 2008 R2 help.
See also
Tips and tricks
Desktop tools