Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Build > Non-question items > Inserting routing code from the script library
Inserting routing code from the script library
When you create a questionnaire, Build saves the questionnaire definition in two sections. The Metadata section contains the questions, and the Routing section contains statements that display or print the questions in the order they appear on the Overview tab. In most surveys, you will want to do more than this. For example, you might want to add a page banner to display the survey title at the top of each page, or you will want to present a block of questions in a different order for each respondent. These and other such tasks are controlled by the Routing section of the questionnaire.
You can always use an IOM Script item to insert statements in the Routing section, but Build comes with a library of script snippets for common tasks that you can load into the questionnaire. Some of these script snippets can be used exactly as they are, but others will need to be modified once they have been loaded, for example, to replace dummy question or response names with the corresponding names from your questionnaire. Each script file is named according to what it does and contains comments explaining how it should be used.
When you insert statements in this way, Build creates a single IOM Script item for all the statements in the file. You can then edit these statements in the usual way if necessary.
To insert code from the script library
1 Click Insert Item.
This opens the New Item dialog box.
2 Select the Routing Items tab.
3 Choose Insert from Script Library and click OK.
This displays the Script Library dialog box.
4 In the Interview Scripts frame, select the script you want to use.
The script is displayed in the Interview Script Item Description frame.
5 Click OK.
6 If the script indicates that it requires customization, make the necessary changes.
See also
Language codes for the change language script snippet
Non-question items