Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Participants > Controlling access to data and features
Controlling access to data and features
You can restrict access from the Participants activity to specified servers, databases, tables, and columns by adding entries to the SampleMgtGUI.Config.xml file. For more information, see Controlling access to sample data.
Only fields that were selected on the Sample Management tab of the Launch activity when the project was activated can be viewed in the Participants activity.
To control access to data by the Sample Management system
You can specify that one or more columns in your sample table are read-only and cannot be updated by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer’s sample management system. To do this, you need to use DPM (Distributed Property Management) Explorer as follows:
1 In Windows Explorer, run DPMExplorer.exe, which by default is in:
Tools\VB.NET\DPM Explorer.Net
2 In the left pane, expand the top-level node (the site name) and then expand the following nodes:
Servers > <your server name> > SampleManagements > <your UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin project name> > Queueing > Queues > Properties
3 From the Add menu, choose Property. This opens a dialog box.
4 In Name, type ReadOnlyFieldColumns.
5 In Value, type a comma-separated list of the column names in your sample table that you want to be read-only.
6 Click OK. This adds the ReadOnlyFieldColumns property to DPM.
To control access to features
You can control access to the various features in Participants by assigning users or roles to Participants’ activity features. The activity features that you can use are shown in this table:
Activity feature name
Can advanced edit participants
Whether the advanced option can be used for selecting and updating records on the View tab.
Can create databases
Whether a new database can be created on the Upload tab.
Can delete participants
Whether participant records can be deleted on the View tab.
Can download participants
Whether participant records can be downloaded on the View tab.
Can edit participants
Whether participant records can be edited on the View tab.
Can upload participants
Whether the Upload, Required Fields, and Additional Fields tabs are visible.
Can view participants
Whether the View and View Settings tabs are visible.
Can view summary
Whether the Summary tab is visible.
By default, the CATISupervisor role is assigned to all the activity features shown above apart from “Can advanced edit participants”, “Can create databases”, and “Can delete participants”.
See also