Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Launch > Sample Management
Sample Management
To define Sample Management parameters
On the Sample Management tab, select Use Sample Management.
With Phone Interviewing
Select this checkbox if the project will use CATI for outbound calling. When the project is activated, this will make the various CATI activities available in the activity list.
Specify the name of the server which the participant database is on. The Browse list contains only those servers that are in your current domain. To use a server in another domain, you must enter its name manually.
Specify the name of the participant database. The Browse list displays the names of databases that you have permission to use and that exist on the chosen server.
Specify the table in this database that contains the participant records for this project. The Browse list displays the names of tables in the chosen database.
Select the columns of participant information to use from this table. The Browse list shows the column names present in the chosen table. Sample Management requires columns labeled Id, queue, active, and serial to function properly.
Authentication Fields
Select the columns that are to be used for authenticating the participant record associated with an inbound call before allowing an interview to start. The fields displayed in the browse list are those that you selected in Fields.
If you need to be able to select specific participant records, you should select the Id column because this is a key to the database and is guaranteed to contain a unique value for each record. If you authenticate on a column that may contain non-unique values, the Sample Management system will select the first record whose value in that column matches the values specified in the Sample Management script.
Script Type
Select the UNICOM Intelligence script type. This box is displayed only if you have permission to edit sample scripts.
Select the Sample Management script for the project.
Sample management scripts are implemented as mrScript and should therefore have the .mrs extension.
Select a script from the list. The list can be customized by the UNICOM Intelligence administrator, so the scripts that you see may differ from the scripts that other users see.
Click Browse and upload the file.
In both cases, the script is displayed in the script listing box. You may be able to edit it; script editing is feature that your UNICOM Intelligence administrator can make available if required: see ‘Settings for the Launch Activity and the Desktop Activation Program’ in ‘Interview Server’ in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library documentation.
Note When a project is activated, a view that joins the sample table and sample history table is created for reporting purposes. In the view’s SQL statement renames four of the view’s fields (Id is renamed to SampleId, CallOutcome is renamed to CallOutcomeTmp, UserId is renamed to InterviewerId, and a computing field is named to IsLatestEntry). As a result, when a sample table contains a column name that is the same as on of the view’s four alias columns, an error is written to the ACT log when the project is activated. The error message is similar to: Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name ‘InterviewerId’ in view or function SAMPLETEST_SampleOverview’ is specified more than once.
See also