Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Interviewing Options > Interview Settings > Selecting the next contact automatically
Selecting the next contact automatically
When interviewers do not use an autodialer, they need to click the Next Contact button to request their next contact. If you would prefer that the next contact is retrieved automatically as soon as interviewers finish their current call, select Automatically select next contact on the Phone Interview Settings page. When interviewers need to take a break, they may click the Cancel Current Contact button. This takes them to the standard page where they may choose Next Contact, Specific Contact, or Exit as appropriate.
Interviewers working on projects with this option set will see a check box labeled “Auto contact selection” just above the list of outcomes, so it is still possible for some interviewers to work in fully manual mode if you want.
Some projects may use a combination of automated and modem or manual dialing. You can still select the “automatically select next contact” option for these projects, but interviewers who are using the dialer will need to cancel the “Auto contact selection” check box on the interviewing screen otherwise they will not be able to stop the dialer making calls when they reach the end of their shift or need to take a break.
See also
Interview Settings