Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Interviewing Options > Changing the default settings > Editing DPM’s site properties
Editing DPM’s site properties
This topic describes how to carry out the following tasks:
Changing the settings in DPM’s site properties
Adding a call or contact outcome to DPM’s site properties
Changing the mapping of autodialer status codes to call outcomes
To change the settings in DPM’s site properties
1 In Windows Explorer, run DPMExplorer.exe, which by default is in Code\Tools\VB.NET\DPM Explorer.Net.
2 In the left pane, expand the top-level node (the site name) and then expand the Properties node.
3 In the left pane, click the DPM collection that contains the property that you want to change (see the list below).
4 In the upper-right pane, click the DPM property that you want to change (see the table below).
5 In the lower-right pane, change the value as required, and then click Apply.
Corresponding DPM collection
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
The minimum age a password must be before it can be changed. The default value is 24 (hours).
The property was introduced in UNICOM Intelligence 7 Fix Pack 1. Setting the property to 0 effectively disables the property and reverts to pre-Fix Pack 1 behavior.
Corresponding DPM collection
Corresponding DPM property
PasswordCanContain UserName
Valid values
Controls whether the password can include the user name. When set to True, the password can contain the user name. When set to False, the user name cannot be part of the password. The default value is False.
The property was introduced in UNICOM Intelligence 7 Fix Pack 1. Setting the property to True effectively disables the property and reverts to pre-Fix Pack 1 behavior.
Corresponding DPM collection
Corresponding DPM property
PasswordDisallow Previous
Valid values
Defines the password reuse interval. When set to 0, the password can be reused with no limitations. Valid values are 0 to 30. For example, when set to 8, passwords cannot be reused for at least 8 intervals. The default value is 8.
When an invalid value is entered, the default value is used.
The property was introduced in UNICOM Intelligence 7 Fix Pack 1. Setting the property to 0 effectively disables the property and reverts to pre-Fix Pack 1 behavior.
Corresponding DPM collection
Corresponding DPM property
PasswordExpired Prompt
Valid values
The number of days, before a password expires, to prompt the user regarding the impending password expiration. Valid values are 1 to 80 (days). The password expiration prompt displays when the user logs in. The default value is 15.
When an invalid value is entered, the default value is used.
Corresponding DPM collection
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
The password age in days. Valid values are 1 to 90 (days). Users are required to change their password based on this property’s value (for example, a value of 90 indicates that users must change their passwords every 90 days). The default value is 90.
When an invalid value is entered, the default value is used.
The property was introduced in UNICOM Intelligence 7 Fix Pack 1. Setting the property to -1 effectively disables the property and reverts to pre-Fix Pack 1 behavior.
Corresponding DPM collection
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
Defines the regular expression that is used when validating passwords. The default regex value used when validating passwords is: ^(?![a-zA-Z]+$)(?![0-9]+$)(?![~\`@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\+=\|\\\}\]\{\[<>\/_\-]+$)(?![!\':;,.\"\?]+$)[a-zA-Z0-9~\`@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\+=\|\\\}\]\{\[<>\/_\-!\':;,.\"\?]{8,}$
The property was updated in UNICOM Intelligence 7 Fix Pack 1. The following value effectively reverts the property to its pre-Fix Pack 1 behavior: ^.+$
Parameters: No preference for appointments / Give preference to the interviewer who arranged the appointment
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati Parameters
Corresponding DPM property
AppointmentPrefer Arranger
Valid values
1 to select “Give preference to the interviewer who arranged the appointment” or 0 to select “No preference for appointments”. If the AppointmentPreferArranger property does not exist, then “No preference for appointments” is implied.
Parameters: Before an appointment, by any interviewer and Before an appointment, by the arranger only (both settings are controlled by the Appointment MarginBefore property)
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati Parameters
Corresponding DPM property
AppointmentMargin Before
Valid values
The number of minutes. The installation value is 5.
Parameters: After an appointment, by any interviewer
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati Parameters
Corresponding DPM property
AppointmentMargin After
Valid values
The number of minutes. The installation value is 5. This setting applies only if the AppointmentPreferArranger property above is set to 1.
Call Time: After project activation
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati Parameters
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
In the Activate server component, the property checks if the activate document XML is null. A null setting means the collection is not set in the user interface. The default day part configuration collection is obtained from: _agent.Server.
Properties.Item ("DefaultCatiParameters")
and set to the current sample management object.
In the Activate client component, when opening desktop activation, the property reads sample management properties, including CATI parameters from DPM (if the property exists for the CATI project in DPM server). If no such CATI project exists (new project or existing project is not a CATI project), the property reads the default CATI parameters, including the day parts collection, from agent site properties. The property can display the day part configuration collection in the user interface.
Parameters: Before a recall
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati Parameters
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
The number of minutes. The installation value is 10.
When RecallMarginBefore is greater than, or equal to, the smallest specified delay, this message appears: “The time before a recall value must be less than the defined delay times”.
A delay value of 0 is the same as no delay setting. As such, a delay value of 0 is not compared to the RecallMarginBefore value.
Parameters: Any other setting on the Parameters page not listed above
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati Parameters
Corresponding DPM property
The DPM property names are very similar to the folder setting names.
Valid values
In general, the valid values for a property are the same as the values that can be entered on the Parameters folder for the corresponding setting. However, for the PrioritizeRecalls and UseInterviewerQualifications properties, enter 1 to select the check box on the Parameters folder or 0 to clear the check box.
Outcomes: “Text”
Corresponding DPM collection
Expand the DefaultCati Sample–RecReturnCodes collection and in the left pane click the call outcome required
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
A string value that describes the call outcome.
Outcomes: Show When Interview Running
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
One or more call outcome code numbers, separated by semicolons.
Outcomes: Show Appointment Page
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
One or more call outcome code numbers, separated by semicolons.
Outcomes: Cancel Code
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
A call outcome code number.
Outcomes: Confirm Hangup Outcomes
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
ConfirmHangup Outcomes
Valid values
One or more call outcome code numbers, separated by semicolons. The default value is 15. This property is only employed when used with UNICOM Intelligence Dialer. Interviewers will need to exit and reenter the Phone participants activity in order to pick up changes to this property.
Outcomes: Always Hidden
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
One or more call outcome code numbers, separated by semicolons.
Phone Interview Settings: Enable monitoring/recording and The interviewer must get approval for monitoring/recording (both settings are controlled by the Monitoring Allowed property)
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
0 to clear “Enable monitoring/recording”
1 to select “Enable monitoring/recording” and clear “The interviewer must get approval for monitoring/recording”
2 to select both “Enable monitoring/recording” and “The interviewer must get approval for monitoring/recording”.
The installation value is 2.
Dialer Settings: Send caller identification and Phone number to send (both settings are controlled by the CallerID property)
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
Set the value to False to clear “Send caller identification”, or True to select “Send caller identification” and clear “Phone number to send”, or set the value to a string that specifies the value of “Phone number to send”. If specified, the string must contain only the digits 0 to 9 and the following characters: #, *, ., (, ), -, and /. The installation value is True.
Dialer Settings: Error if login position is not in configuration
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
True or False. The installation value is False.
Dialer Settings: Ring time
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
The number of seconds. The installation value is 15. Do not set a value lower than that for MinimumRingTime below.
Dialer Settings
(There is no corresponding setting in Interviewing Options, but the MinimumRing Time property defines the minimum value that can be specified in the Ring time setting)
Corresponding DPM collection
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
The minimum value that can be set in Ring time. The installation value is 0.
Dialer Settings: Name of silent call announcement file
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
The name of a .wav file, including the full path. The installation value is an empty string.
Dialer Settings
The number of seconds that auto-dialing should continue trying to dial numbers for an Interviewer
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
The number of seconds. The installation value is 600 (10 minutes).
Dialer Settings: Percentage of calls to record
Corresponding DPM collection
DefaultCati ProjectProperties
Corresponding DPM property
Valid values
A whole number between 0 and 100. The installation value is 0 (that is, no calls are recorded).
Dialer Settings: Dialing aggressiveness, Maximum percentage of silent calls, Target percentage of silent calls
Corresponding DPM collection
These three settings do not have corresponding DPM site properties
To add a call or contact outcome to DPM’s site properties
1 Start DPM Explorer and expand the site’s Properties node as described in ‘Changing the settings in DPM’s site properties’ above.
2 In DPM Explorer’s left pane, click the DefaultCatiSampleRecReturnCodes collection for telephone interviews; in DPM Explorer’s left pane, click the DefaultCapSampleRecReturnCodes collection for personal interviews
3 From the Add menu, choose Property Collection. This opens a dialog box.
4 In the dialog box, enter a name for the outcome and click OK.
5 In the left pane, click the collection you have just created.
6 From the Add menu, choose Property. This opens a dialog box.
7 In Name, type Code. In Value, type a unique code number for the outcome. Then click OK.
8 Repeat the last three steps, but in Name, type Text, and in Value, enter a short description of the outcome.
To change the mapping of autodialer status codes to call outcomes
When a project uses an autodialer, the autodialer returns a status code at the end of each call attempt to indicate whether a successful call was generated. UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer then maps the status code to one of the call outcomes for the project. For example, if the autodialer returns the status code Congested (meaning that it was unable to make the call because the telephone network is congested), UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer maps that code to the NetworkBusy call outcome and as a result the participant record is assigned to the RECALL queue by the sample management script.
You can change the default mapping of autodialer status codes to call outcomes as follows:
1 Start DPM Explorer and expand the site’s Properties node as described in ‘Changing the Settings in DPM’s Site Properties’ above.
2 In the left pane, expand the DefaultDialerCallOutcomes collection and click the autodialer status code whose mapping you want to change.
3 In the upper right pane, double click ReturnCode.
4 In the lower right pane, change the value to the name of the call outcome that should be mapped to this autodialer status code.
5 Click Apply.
See also
Changing the default settings