Survey Tabulation > Table documents > Managing template table documents > Creating a template document using UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation
Creating a template document using UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation
1 In UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server Administration, select the project, and then click UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation.
2 In UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation, create a new table document by choosing File > New Table Document.
Alternatively, to base the template on an existing table document choose File > Open Table Document, and then select the file you want to use:
3 Create any tables that you want to include in the template. See Defining the table structure for more information.
4 Set up any filters required on tables. See Filters for more information.
5 Use the Preferences tab to change the preferences as required for individual tables or for all tables, or to set up defaults for any new tables created.
6 If required, you can also change the settings in the File Properties dialog box. See Table options for more information.
7 When you have finished setting up your template, choose File > Save Table Document As.
8 In the Save dialog box, select the shared folder for the project, for example, Root\Shared Folder\Projects\Museum.
9 Enter the name template in the Filename field.
10 Click Save.
The file is saved in the shared folder with the name template.mtd.
Note that when a template is added to the shared folder for a project, all new table documents created by users of the project will contain the contents and defaults from the template file.
If you do not have the appropriate UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server Administration access permissions, save the file in your user folder instead and ask your system administrator to install the template in the shared project folder for you.
See also
Managing template table documents